![]() 07/21/2014 at 18:49 • Filed to: daughters first car | ![]() | ![]() |
So last week !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! that Daughter 1of3 was looking to find her first set of wheels. Welp, today it happened ... she is now the proud owner of this uberclean 1980 W116.
I drove it home and the thing rides like a dream. Everything gadgety works with the exception of the AC, odometer and temp gage. The M110 mill runs smooth as silk and it just has that inimitable planted feel that is particular to Reagan-era Teutonic Sleds.
So the final price for all this pristine, 34 year-old luxury was a mere $1600. What say you Opponauts? Nice price or crack pipe?
![]() 07/21/2014 at 18:51 |
Everything gadgety works with the exception of the AC, odometer and temp gauge.
Those all seem important.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 18:52 |
Great, reliable, safe choice for a first car. Nice price too. My first car was a 1971 Cadillac ($1500) and I'm thankful for it. I really think every kid's first car should be something old. You can fix a few things yourself, you actually FEEL how fast you're going sometimes, and in your case, it's a big ass car. It's great to learn to drive on a big ass car.
edit: maybe fix the temp gauge, you don't want to overheat if it could be prevented by just pulling onto the side of the road and letting the car cool down.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 18:55 |
Nice! I'd say NP. Your kid doesn't even look 16, I almost thought this would be a post about how she just liked your car. LOL.
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The only thing mildly concerning to me is the odometer. They were commonly broken on these old Benz' as people don't know that you're not supposed to reset the trip odometer while the car is in motion. Do that and, blamo ... no more odometer. Judging by the condition of the car, I'd be shocked if the actual miles is too much more than the 89K it had on it when the odometer went on the fritz. The temp gage is probably a bad sensor/sending unit. We drove it home to Point Loma from way down in South Bay and it wasn't at all hot at the end of the trip. I'm pretty sure it's running at a healthy temp as it is. As for the AC ... remember we live in San Diego. Not all that important here ... especially for a teenager's first car.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 18:58 |
You are a good father. Now, fix those problems, I would say AC is minor but that looks like a sunny locale.
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She's the runt of the litter (she's a triplet).
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If she's a triplet, what are the other two first cars?
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:03 |
She's the first one of them to buy a car. 2of3 just finished her paid internship at SPAWAR and is hooptie shopping now. 3of3 just got back from a year abroad and has no $$$ saved up yet. She needs to find a jerb first ;)
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:03 |
The same.
Can't even tell them apart on the streets.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:04 |
daughter now has more OppoCred (TM) than dad.
Nice find. Let us know if life with one is all it's cracked up to be.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:08 |
I'm mildly jealous. My first car was/is a 1989 Chevy 1500. The first car I bought my self was a 1997 Subaru Legacy Outback for $1400. Which turned out to have bad head gaskets...... But it still worked perfectly, with the exception of the heat.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:11 |
This is both her first car and first one she bought herself. We do not buy our kids their cars ... it's against my religion (and not the way I was raised). ;)
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:11 |
"Hooptie shopping," I am stealing that for when my brother goes shopping.
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Your daughter is officially a badass... as are you for allowing her to own an old first car. Hopefully it gives you guys tons of worry free miles (which it should because W116)
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:29 |
Nice price and a great choice. I'm in the market for a w116 myself, but I'm trying to locate a 450sel.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:38 |
Awesome car. I love the W116, and even though you already knew about it, I feel so accomplished for suggesting it! (Yes I'm bragging, yes I know I sound dumb.)
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:41 |
dear lord you must put up with a lot lol. (not implying they aren't good kids, btw!). At least she has good taste in vehicles from her parents!
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:43 |
$1600? Shit I'll give you double that for it, in $100 bills just bring it up to me in Alberta Canada. It is almost impossible to find rust free examples around here.
for $1600 it's definitely nice price.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:45 |
old euro cars make great first cars
believe me
i have first hand experience
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:51 |
As a fellow teen, I applaud her choice.
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Do you think you would be willing to adopt a soon to be 18-year-old? I can make my own meals.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 19:53 |
I'm going to have raise a few questions here...
This seems like a bad idea to the run of the mill person. I'm sure your daughter isn't like most boys at that age, knowing how to drive Need for Speed first, then an actual car. But since the most common deaths for young people is automotive accidents, do you personally feel safe letting her drive a car from the 1980's? Safety features? Bare as most? I'm not so sure on the W116 safety, but compare any car from the 80's to today is like glass to concreate. I'm sure you already know all this, just curious about your thoughts on this.
People ask me all the time what's a good first car for a gear head...and honestly i always say cars that come from an era where airbags didn't even exist yet.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 20:05 |
Hat tip to you for being a SoCal dad who has his kids paying for their own cars.
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You're teasing me with an 80's Merc, how dare you!
![]() 07/21/2014 at 21:15 |
Well ... my son's first car was/is his 1955 Ford Fairlane. A 1980 MB "S" has a whole lot more crash protection technology in the cage. Even worse, 2of3 in considering some sort of air-cooled VW and I wouldn't stand in her way of getting one. I guess I'm not too concerned about those things. Probably because they drive pretty short distances and do fairly minimal overall miles, compared to the average professional's commute.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 21:18 |
I have a Point Loma mortgage ... I have no choice ;)
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Mine was given to me only because I needed it to get a job and my dad bought a more fuel efficient truck. I do not miss $100+ fill ups, and I'm sure he doesn't either.
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Fine but you have to clean up after yourself, too and if I have to ask you to take out the trash, I'm turning this car around.
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That's all good ... we just aren't at the point of needing new cars as our kids start driving so the timing sucks. For them.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 22:08 |
Do you think you would be willing to adopt a 20-year-old? I could use some help with this tuition. I'll mow your lawn.
![]() 07/21/2014 at 22:20 |
The primary motivator my kids had for maintaining their 4.0+ GPAs was the knowledge that their parents are not wealthy and that they'd probably be needing to shoulder their own tuition. They also know I was 42 when I finally paid off my last student loan because I only had a 3.2 ;)
![]() 07/21/2014 at 22:27 |
Sweet. You're debt free, and therefore able to carry mine!
![]() 07/21/2014 at 23:15 |
I just knew it, the AC never works properly in German cars.
![]() 07/22/2014 at 00:24 |
Heh. The AC in my old W123 would work great ... in specific conditions. It had to be the right RPM range and with the right amount of engine load. Basically it worked well about 33% of the time City and about 70% of the time Highway.
![]() 07/22/2014 at 05:06 |
And what a first ride this is! My daughter is jealous as hell now, thank you sir! And as she's only 2 years of age that will give her quite some time nagging about this. Must be an awesome sight seeing your daughter driving this!
![]() 07/22/2014 at 06:57 |
Nice price! It is going to be a bit of a pig on gas being a non diesel, but not terrible. Odometer is not a huge deal to fix, nor is the temp sensor. I bet that A/C can be revived, I think that is still the old York compressor in there which is bulletproof, might just have a line leak or what have you.
That said if it has the Chrysler sourced automatic temperature control they can be a nightmare to get working correctly. Hopefully this being a 280 it just has the manual dials in place of the temperature wheel. Great looking ride, safe, reliable etc. Congrats to your daughter!
![]() 07/22/2014 at 10:28 |
well that's going to stand out in the school parking lot, and she'll likely become fairly mechanically handy keeping it going, 1000 jalop points to griffindor!
![]() 07/22/2014 at 10:52 |
Who ever said old Benzes didn't have character? Was the A/C operation sensitive to the moon phase too?
![]() 07/22/2014 at 11:48 |
unfortunately it does have the dreaded "climate control" system. My old car had the manual dials.
![]() 07/22/2014 at 11:55 |
yeah, if it starts acting up I am a pro with those. Hit me with a FB message (we friended some time ago, initials TW) if you need any pointers on it. Here was one of the last ones I worked on. "English Red" was the color, this was a diesel...with white tex
![]() 07/22/2014 at 12:17 |
That's really pretty! What a neat color combo.
![]() 07/22/2014 at 12:20 |
yeah not for everybody, but it is really attractive